In a nutshell
I have more than 15 years of experience in the development of bio-assays resulting from the combination of technologies from several disciplines, such as CMOS technology, biocompatible materials and packaging, electrophysiology, neurobiology, computer science and ICT. My research interests focus on electrophysiology, CMOS Multi Electrode Array, neurocomputation and bioelectronic interfaces.
Societal Affiliations
British Neuroscience Association (BNA) Society for Neuroscience (SFN)
Federation of European Neuroscience (FENS)
Alzheimer’s Society
Research Website
Google Scholar
ORCID: 0000-0002-5044-9899
Twitter: @3Brain
Chief Scientific Officer and Co-founder 3Brain
With more than 12 years as researcher in neuroscience Dr Maccione has developed bio-assays combining technologies from several disciplines as CMOS technology, biocompatible materials and packaging, electrophysiology, neurobiology, computer science. With experience as project manager in R&D and ICT sectors (involved in several EU project also as coordinator), he is the responsible for scientific affairs and strategic partnerships. 3Brain has a long experience in developing cell culture protocols adapted to CMOS substrate and in interfacing electronics with neuronal cultures for both sensing and electrical actuation.
3Brain AG (www.3brain.com) is the first company producing and commercializing worldwide high-resolution CMOS multi-electrode array (CMOS-MEA) platforms for in vitro electrophysiology. Since its foundation in 2011, 3Brain provides to customers a complete solution composed by consumable microelectronic chips, an FPGA-based hardware and a software application for acquiring, managing and analysing high-resolution electrophysiological signals recorded from 4096 electrodes simultaneously.
Selected Publications
- Maccione A, Gandolfo M, Zordan S, Amin H, Di Marco S, Nieus T, Angotzi G N, Berdondini L (2015). Microelectronics, bioinformatics and neurocomputation for massive neuronal recordings in brain circuits with large scale multielectrode array probes. BRAIN RESEARCH BULLETIN, vol. 119, p. 118-126, ISSN: 1873-2747
- Maccione A, Garofalo M, Nieus T, Tedesco M, Berdondini L, Martinoia S (2012). Multiscale functional connectivity estimation on low-density neuronal cultures recorded by high-density CMOS micro electrode arrays. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE METHODS, vol. 207, p. 161-171, ISSN: 1872-678X
- Maccione A, Gandolfo M, Tedesco M, Nieus T, Imfeld K, Martinoia S, Berdondini L (2010). Experimental investigation on spontaneously active hippocampal cultures recorded by means of high-density MEAs: analysis of the spatial resolution effects. FRONTIERS IN NEUROENGINEERING, vol. 3, ISSN: 1662-6443