Anna-Christina Häb

University of Barcelona, ES

In a nutshell

My research is focused on the characterization of the neuronal activity of neuronal cells derived from human neuronal progenitor cells. I am specialized in working with human iPS induced neuronal progenitor cells and the differentiation process to neuronal cells.

University of Barcelona
Institute of Neuroscience Barcelona

Twitter: @AnnaHaeb

PhD student

Anna-Christina Häb received the B. Sc. degree in biology from the University of Kassel in 2017, and a M. Sc. degree in molecular medicine from the University of Regensburg in 2021. Her master thesis has been focused on the characterization of the neuronal activity represented by Ca2+ signaling in human neurons derived from iPS induced neuronal progenitor cells. She is looking forward to contributing the development of the NEU-CHiP project by being part of the working group of Dr. Daniel Tornero and Dr. Jordi Soriano-Fradera in Barcelona.

Selected Publications

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