Deliverables Home

All NEU-CHiP public deliverables will be announced via this page.

Deliverable Ref: D1.1 (D1)
Deliverable Title: Development of genetically modified iPSCs
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Author: Eric Hill

Deliverable Ref: D1.2 (D2)
Deliverable Title: Production of defined functional neuronal & glial networks
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Author: Eric Hill

Deliverable Ref: D4.1 (D10)
Deliverable Title: Emulator of small circuit with prescribed neural and synaptic characteristics
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Author: Remi Monasson

Deliverables Reporting: D6.1
Deliverable Title: Open Research Data Management Plan
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Author: Rhein Parri

Deliverables Reporting: D6.2
Deliverable Title: Dissemination and exploitation plan
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Author: Rhein Parri

Deliverable Ref: D6.5 (D19)
Deliverable Title: (Project website)
Link here
Author: Jan Randles