FENS Biocomputing

NEU-ChiP hosted a satellite event at FENS 2024, welcoming attendees to discuss “Cortical neurons for biological computing.” This event was well attended and received excellent feedback.

DATE: Monday 24June 2024 from 09:00 to 18:00

LOCATION: ARCOTEL Wimberger Hotel, Vienna, Austria www.wimberger.arcotel.com 

Description:  The human brain is able to process information and conduct computation at a fraction of the power requirements of silicon-based machines. With computers projected to utilise 8-21% of global electricity supply by 2030 there is a need to develop alternative computing paradigms. With the development of human induced pluripotent stem cell technology over the past 15 years has emerged the potential to use living human biological neurons for computation. Such a goal requires the multidisciplinary input across a range of specialties. This FENS satellite meeting brings together stem cell biologists, neuroscientists, bioengineers, electronic engineers, statistical physicists and mathematicians with the aim of combining different approaches in a concerted effort towards biological computing with human cortical neurons. Groups include those form the EU funded NEU-ChiP FET consortium (https://neuchip.eu/)), the USA, Japan and from Australia.   

The meeting included a poster exhibition, see below for list.


8.30-9am. Arrival and badge pick up

9.00. Thomas Hartung  (Johns Hopkins University, USA):  “Organoid Intelligence, the new frontier in biocomputing and intelligence-in-a-dish” Slide set

Thomas Hartung

9.30. Dani Tornero (University of Barcelona, Spain), “Human cells and tools for cortical computing” Slide set

Daniel Tornero

Daniel Tornero

10.00. Eric Hill (Loughborough University, UK): “Engineering approaches for fabricating neural circuitry” Slide Set

Eric Hill

Eric Hill

10.30-10.50 Coffee and posters.

10.50. Alessandro Maccione. 3Brain “Probing and analyzing the activity of spinal organoids with advanced high density microchip technology” Slide Set

Alessandri Maccione

Alessandri Maccione

11.10. Hideaki Yamamoto (Tohoku University, Japan):  “Biological reservoir computing: multicellular computing within biological neuronal networks”

Hideaki Yamamoto

11.40. Jordi Soriano (University of Barcelona, Spain):  “Electrical stimulation and the functional organization of human neuronal networks” Slide set

Jordi Soriano

12:10. ESR talk 1: Wardiya Afshar Saber “iPSC models of developmental disorders” Slide set

Wardiya Afshar Saber

12.30-1.30 Lunch and Posters.

13.30. ESR talk 2- Andrey Formozov “Computing in neuronal networks with plasticity by all optical interfacing” – Graphical Abstract

Andrey Formozov

13.50. Fred Jordan, FinalSpark “Neuroplatform for research in wetware computing”

Fred Jordan

14.10. Remi Monasson (CNRS, Paris, France): “Supervised task learning via stimulation-induced plasticity in rate-based neural networks” Slide Set

14.40. Ramez Daniel (Technion, Israel): “Synthetic neuromorphic computing in living cells” Slide Set

Ramez Daniel

15.00-15.30 Coffee and posters.

15.30. David Saad (Aston University, UK): “Inferring emerging structures and the embedding of content from neuronal firing data” Slide set

David Saad

16.00. Shahar Kvatinsky (Technion, Israel): “Memristors meet neurons – biologically inspired neuromorphic devices” Slide set

Shahar Kvatinsky

16.30. Brett Kagan (Cortical labs, Australia): “Implications from new methods of assessing in vitro neural networks embodied in a virtual environment”

Brett Kagan

17.00. Panel Discussion.
17:30. Close


Anna-Christina HaebUniversitat de Barcelona, SpainExploring stimulation and plasticity in tailored neuronal cultures monitored on high-density multielectrode array
Dr David JenkinsAston University, UKPlasticity in iPSC Derived 2D Cortical Neuronal Networks
Dr Takuma SumiTohoku University, JapanReservoir computing with cultured neuronal network
Dr Nobuaki MonmaTohoku University, JapanDynamical complexity enriched by directional connections
Andrey FormozovUniversity of Heidelberg, GermanyComputing in neuronal networks with plasticity by all-optical interfacing
Dr Dominic MosesAston University, UKDigital light processing of 3D structures for improved connectivity of hIPSC derived neurons
Dr Wardiya Afshar SaberBoston Children’s Hospital – Harvard Medical SchooliPSCs models of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Fred JordanFinalSparkNeuroplatorm for research in wetware computing
Akke HoubenUniversitat de Barcelona, SpainComputation with spontaneous input-responses in neuronal cultures: capabilities and limitations
Eliza Monz3BRAINProbing and analyzing the activity of spinal organoids with advanced high density microchip technology  
Dr Eric Hill/Willow HallLoughborough UniversityEngineering Approaches to Control Biological – ‘Engineering Neural Circuitry’
Hakuba MurotaTohoku University, JapanNeuronal Ensembles in Engineered Neuronal Networks